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The officials of Canandaigua Motorsports Park attempt to be fair and yet maintain a certain amount of firmness in these rules to keep stock car racing on a par with the leading tracks of the United States. Our objectives have been Fairness and Safety. With each new season, we attempt to keep in step with the times in the face of rising costs. We have developed rules to minimize the cost of competition. Every organization, to be successful, must have rules and enforce them fairly. The cooperation of officials and competitors will assure our sport of a bright future. The management reserves the right to change any rule or rules if they feel it is necessary, and refuse any protest if they feel it is unnecessary and being used for harassing reasons. All fines, and/or suspensions will be in effect at all Canandaigua Motorsports Park events. Canandaigua Motorsports Park officials in their professional discretion shall determine the interpretation and invoking of the rules published herein.


The speedway is private property. Any person on this property without the permission of Canandaigua Motorsports park owners is guilty of trespass and subject to penalties prescribed by law. Through your license and registration, you have been given the authority to be on this property in conjunction with racing activities. However, the Administration reserves the right to revoke and cancel this authority at any time that it is felt that your presence or conduct is not in the best interests of racing, your fellow competitors, the fans, management, and employees of Canandaigua Motorsports Park. It is ultimately the obligation of each participant to insure that his/her conduct and equipment comply with all applicable rules and regulations, which may be amended from time to time. No express or implied warranty of safety shall result from publication of, or compliance with, these rules. They are intended as a guide for the conduct of the sports and are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to participants, spectators, or to others.


Posted on the office wall is a certificate of benefits which covers everyone signed in the Pits. You and your crewmembers are covered with as broad benefits as the racers in the major racing associations in the U.S. If any questions or problems come up about benefits, contact the Speedway management. Insurance does not cover ambulance rides.


Our liability insurance insures the race track, the car owner, driver, and sponsors.


Every driver must inspect the racing surface and racetrack area to learn any defects, obstructions, or anything that in his/her opinion is unsafe and he/she shall report that condition in writing to the Race Director. Any driver entering any racing events is considered to have inspected the track and agreed all conditions are satisfactory to him/her…if not, HE/SHE SHOULD NOT RACE. The further indicated that he/she is aware of these risks with full awareness and knowledge. The speedway assumes no responsibility for damages to or loss of your equipment, vehicle, or any parts by any means, whatsoever.


1 yr. – 16 yr. require parents or guardians to fill out and sign a release form.


When involved in an accident involving injury to yourself, advise the racing officials immediately so the necessary reporting will be accomplished….NO CLAIMS WILL BE CONSIDERED UNLESS REPORTED PRIOR TO LEAVING THE SPEEDWAY PROPERTY THAT DAY. Contact the rescue vehicle driver or Safety Director and give him/her a full report before you
leave the Speedway. If you are physically unable, your crew is responsible for the report.


Canandaigua Motorsports Park honors DIRT Memberships.


  1. A car number will be reserved when buying a track license. Whenever possible, requested numbers will be assigned, but the handicapper reserves the right to issue numbers in order to prevent duplications.
  2. All numbers will be limited to 1, 2, or 3 digits. If 3 digits are used, two shall be primary numbers.
  3. If numbers 3, 6, or 9 are used, make sure they are distinguishable. Do not let nerf bars block visibility.
  4. The number of cars to be qualified in each heat will be decided by the track handicapper and announced before the first heat for each division.
  5. If a driver qualifies 2 or more cars, he/she must drive the last car qualified in the feature race. The other cars are not eligible. Car and driver must be qualified except for guaranteed starters. In the event the car the driver qualified is unable to compete, the driver may use another car but must start in the scratch position.
  6. All driver changes must be recorded to the pit steward/handicapper. All drivers that change cars must go to the
    rear (driver's responsibility).
  7. On postponed events, the driver is qualified.
  8. No car or driver can compete in two (2) classes on a sanctioned event, unless approved by the handicapper or race director.
  9. Top 5 in point standings are guaranteed starters.
  10. Driver and car must report to the handicapper one hour before the original race program starting time to use handicapped starting position.
  11. It is the driver's responsibility to read the pit notes each week. The notes are posted at the pit board each week.


  1. All cars should be neatly painted and carry numbers at least 18" high on both doors, roof, and rear back and 8" numbers on front. The use of number decals is acceptable if the number is legible.
  2. It is recommended that there be no solid black or dark blue paint jobs. All dark colored cars shall have a contrasting light color somewhere else on the car.
  3. Director of Tech reserves the right to request body sheet metal to be replaced and painted should it get beaten out too badly.
  4. All vehicles shall have an ignition switch, which is easily accessible within the driver's compartment. The ignition switch should be labeled ON/OFF with a bright colored paint.
  5. The fuel shutoff valve shall be labeled ON/OFF with a bright color and mounted to the right side of the driver.
  6. Two (2) throttle return springs and a steel toe loop in gas pedal is recommended .
  7. All cars must carry operable fire extinguishers capable of putting out fuel and oil fires.
  8. All cars must have a fire extinguisher mounted within reach of the driver. Fire extinguishers must weigh between three (3) and five (5) pounds. The only exception is if the car has an on board flame-out system for the car.
  9. No air jacks for any division.
  10. No drums for fuel on track premises. This is an insuranceregulation.
  11. No "FOR SALE" signs or any wording painted on the car that may be offensive. Information will be supplied in the pit area for announcements.
  12. If a car has a part that no one else has, and it's not mentioned in the rules, it's not assumed legal. Ask first.


Ample space must be left on a designated spot of the car (front door), to be set forth by the officials, for participating Canandaigua Motorsports Park sponsor decals. These decals must be displayed at all times in these divisions: The Sportsman and Street stocks, and Pure stocks.


  1. All decisions by the officials at the track involving race procedures and tech are final. Videotapes are not admissible as evidence for protests.
  2. Practice-regular practice is scheduled before racing time. All practice laps are at the discretion of the starter. No practice whatsoever unless the starter, race director, pit steward, tow trucks, safety crew, and safety equipment are in position. No practice during intermission. Practice is for a set time with no guaranteed set number of warm up laps for each class.
  3. No drinking of intoxicants by any participants allowed at any time before or during the racing program, or any evidence there of by any driver, owner or crew member.
  4. At all races, driver assumes responsibility for the action of their pit crew in every respect. The driver is the only spokesperson for the car and pit crew.
  5. Physical or verbal abuse of any official or unsportsmanlike conduct by a driver, owner, or crewmember may result in the driver being disqualified, suspended, and/or fined.
  6. Any member taking physical action against an individual or personal property, for any reason, may be fined and/or suspended. If it is the car owner, the suspension includes the owner's car. Suspension and fine may be extended at the discretion of officials and/or management.
  7. No one shall enter judges tower during the racing program. All officials have radio or phone contact with the judges tower and can straighten out any problem.
  8. Anyone deliberately disobeying an order of any official may be subject to a fine and/or suspended. The car he/she is connected with will not be allowed to participate in future events until fine is paid.
  9. No excessive speeding in pit area.
  10. Only safety crews and wrecker crews will be allowed on the track in the event of any accident. At no time will any of the driver's crew be allowed on the track.
  11. No repairs to cars are to be made on the track at anytime. You must pull off the track to make any repair no matter how minor. During restarts, if a car needs any attention and pulls off the track for any reason, this car must restart in scratch position.
  12. Each car will start each event on his/her own power or will go to the rear.
  13. All equipment is subject to the approval of track officials. No equipment will be considered as having been approved by reason of having passed through inspection unobserved. Any equipment which does not conform to specifications or tolerances contained in this rule book will not be eligible for approval during 2013.
  14. All cars must take the green flag to be eligible for payoff and points.
  15. All drivers must be ready to compete and have their cars in line before each event enters the track or will be sent to the rear.
  16. The starter has complete charge of track while racing. No protest allowed on starter's decision.
  17. If there is an accident before the first lap is official, the field will be completely restarted with the car or cars bringing out the caution going to the rear of the field.
  18. On a caution or red flag, any car going to the infield or pit area must return to the rear of the field. \
  19. The yellow flag signifies caution and the caution flag will be given to the first car passing the starter. After the yellow flag is displayed, cars must hold their position until either the green flag is again displayed or the red flag, which would automatically stop the race.
  20. When caution is displayed, the lap of which the leaders are about to complete will be counted. Likewise, when the race is restarted, the next completed lap will also be counted.
  21. Any car falling out of position during a caution flag must pickup their position whenever he/she picks up his/her momentum again. If the field passes him, he must fall in at the rear. The only exceptions are if the car is coming to the start-finish line to either check his/her position or inform the starter of track hazards. (This rule is designed to keep the race under as little delay as possible. Sometimes it will work to a drivers advantage, other times
    disadvantage, but as long as the rules are understood, there will be little or no problem getting restarted.) NO racing back to Start/Finish line.
  22. Any car involved in or spins to avoid an accident where the yellow flag is displayed must pick up position in the field wherever they fall in. All others must maintain position.
  23. Passing under caution will be penalized two (2) positions for each car passed. When the caution flag flies, cars will fall into single file, passing car giving way to the lead car. The passing car must be completely ahead to assume the forward position.
  24. The driver receiving the checkered flag in any feature race must bring his/her car to the starting line and must participate in victory lane ceremonies. The race winner is to remain in victory lane until released by track official in charge of the event.
  25. All restarts will be double file until the halfway point or three cautions. From that moment on, single file.
  26. Any driver causing excessive delays in a race, such as spinning out three times on his/her own will be disqualified at starter's discretion.
  27. Any driver guilty of violating any of the flag or light rules will be penalized at the discretion of the starter.
  28. Rough riding will be left up to the discretion of the starter. If he feels that the occasion warrants, whether intentional or not, the driver may be fined, suspended and/or disqualified. Fined driver will not be allowed to compete until the fine is paid.
  29. Once the field of cars is lined up and the starter signals the drivers to be ready, preliminary laps may be set at the discretion of the officials. During the preliminary laps, if a car does not maintain its designated position in the starting field, the car may be repositioned in their discretion.
  30. The race begins at the commencement of pace laps, but scoring and official distance begins when the green flag is displayed.
  31. Any drivers caught jumping before the green flag is displayed will be set back two (2) cars for every car passed prior to the race start.
  32. Any driver new to a division will be under a probationary period.
  33. No person will be permitted to ride on the outside of a car at any time.
  34. Cars going through tech are allowed to have two (2) of their crew working on the car. Please help us to keep others away from the car going through tech. It will allow you and us to do our jobs quicker.
  35. When given the black flag, the driver has one lap to pull off the track. The car will be scored for only one lap after it is given the black flag.
  36. For the 2013 Season, One way Radios will be mandatory in all divisions. The Frequency used will be 454.0000.


Any affected driver or owner may, as a matter of right, protest any violation of the rules, including specifications, for the feature event only, subject to the limitations within this rule book. Visible protests must be made 10 minutes before feature events in writing, along with a $50.00 protest fee. If a tool or mechanical device is needed by an official to
determine a car's rule compliance that is not a visible protest situation.

For the purpose of a subsequent appeal, and Canandaigua Motorsports Park official's measurement is presumed to be correct, absent a showing of a mistake or prejudice. No Protests shall be made in the final 2 point nights of the year. All protests involving a particular event must be in writing specifying matter of protest and must be received by Canandaigua Motorsports Park officials no later than ten minutes following the checkered flag falling for the affected feature. Any competitor who institutes a tech tear down inspection must tear down his/her car as well. Each separate protest must be given to the pit steward accompanied by a $100 protest fee (U.S. Funds), with the following exceptions:
(A) P & G Test $100.00 (U.S. Funds)
(B) Any protest that requires opening a motor/transmission. (ie. Bore and Stroke, Pull Pan etc.) $300.00 (U.S. Funds) $250 (U.S.) going to the protested car if legal. $250 (U.S.) returned to the protester if car protested is illegal. $50 (U.S.) goes to inspector in each instance.
(C) $100 each additional item protested. All protest fees must be paid by the protesting team. No grouping together of teams to protest will be permitted!

A protest of race results may be verbally made to the pit steward within five minutes of the official announcement of the order of finish. A recheck of scoring will then be made if necessary and these results will be considered final. Only driver protests on racing results will be considered by the scorers. No appeal of the scorers' final decisions will be permitted. Any car found illegal under protest, and/or pre- or post-race inspection at the discretion of officials shall receive a fine and/or loss of track points, and/or loss of finishing position for that event, and/or receive last place points and money, and/or outright disqualification from that event, and/or definite or indefinite suspension from Canandaigua Motorsports Park at the discretion of the chief tech inspector at that track! If a race result is protested, the track promoter can, at his/her discretion, delay purse distribution, until disqualification is decided. Canandaigua Motorsports Park reserves the right to refuse any protest if the protest is deemed unnecessary and/or being used for harassing purposes. Track scales are the official scales at each race event. No protest or appeal is permitted on the weight of the car as measured on the Track Scales.


  1. Track points will be awarded for all events, unless sanctioned event is by invitation or otherwise stated. The number of cars in the heats, consolation and feature events are determined by the handicapper.
  2. Track points will be awarded to drivers only with memberships. Drivers and owners must have track membership to obtain points or point fund moneys.
  3. In the event of a driver change during a point race event, the driver of the pace lap will earn the points based on their car's finish.
  4. Point funds will be awarded to the owner of the race team as stated on 2013 memberships. Point fund money will be awarded at the Banquet.

    Points as follows:
    Finish Regular
    Position Event
    1 60
    2 56
    3 52
    4 50
    5 48
    6 46
    7 44
    8 42
    9 40
    10 38
    11 36
    12 34
    13 32
    14 30
    15 28
    16 27
    17 26
    18 25
    19 24
    20 23
    21 22
    22 21
    23 20
    24 20
    25-Last 20
    DNQ 10
    NAPA know how Sportsman Rules:
    We will follow the 2013 DIRT Rulebook with the following exceptions:
    1. Pump gas will still be allowed.
    2. Minimum weight 2450 lbs.




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